Reflex Wearable Verified to Reduce Injury Frequency by 50-60%; Lost Work Days by 72%

May 13, 2021   |


A leading U.S. actuarial consulting firm recently drew a clear line between the deployment of KINETIC wearable technology and reduced workplace injuries and reduced lost work days. After analyzing operational data from before and after the implementation of the Reflex in various industries, Perr&Knight verified the device supports improvement in areas including injury reduction, lost work days and claims costs. 

Key findings of the actuarial analysis show a definitive impact on workplace incidents with the use of the Reflex wearable, including:

A Reduction of Injury Frequency

A review of data by industry and type of worker supported a correlation between the rate of high-risk posture rates and the frequency of strains and sprains. 

Manufacturing industry frequency of strain and sprain claims declined 49.5%

from 1.08 claims per 200,000 hours worked without the device to 0.54 claims per 200,000 hours worked with the device. 

Warehouse worker frequency of strain and sprain claims declined by 58.8%

from 2.99 claims per 200,000 hours worked without the device to 1.23 claims per 200,000 hours worked with the device.

A statistical test was also conducted to determine if the impact on all claim frequency was significant. After performing the test in a population not using the Reflex device and one using the device, results supported a statistically significant decrease to claim frequency when using the Reflex.

A Reduction of Lost Work Days

For participating businesses that provided data on the number of days employees were either absent from work or limited to light duty, all showed a reduction in the rate of absences.

The percentage of work days missed is reduced by 72%

from 1.1% of work days missed without the device to 0.3% of work days missed with the use of the device.

Actuarial analysis details: Operational customer data provided included counts of OSHA recordable incidents, sprains and strains and days of missed work and covered more than 15 million hours worked across various industries and over 2.1 million hours of KINETIC wearable hours.

To analyze your injury data and learn more about reducing injuries, lost work days and claims costs with the Reflex wearable, please reach out to us at

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2019 KINETIC © All rights reserved.